Wednesday, October 02, 2024 @ 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm | Hanes House

What even is art anymore? Who gets to call themselves an artist? And who gets to decide?

Led by Paul Travis Phillips, interdisciplinary artist and Associate Professor of Art at Elon University, this seminar will engage head-on with the burning questions of artists, explore the motivations that drive makers, and address the struggle to stay authentic in a world full of noise.

Join us for a four-part Study Hall Seminar on October 2nd, 9th, 16th, and 23rd.

Prepare for deep dives into writings from vetted artists, critics, theorists, and philosophers, candid conversations prompted by emerging creative concepts, and lively discussions on topics like simulation, imitation, motivations, and intentionality. This seminar is your space to collaborate with artists from many makes and molds, test run your raw ideas, and redefine the boundaries of art-making today.

Register for Class ($125 Members, $175 Non-members)

You'll walk away from this seminar with a better understanding of your creative direction, updated approaches for your artistic process, and an ability to position your work in a context that aligns with your motivations as a maker. This isn't about playing safe–it's about exploring what your ideas need to live.